CSAT Reentry Funding


A $13 million grant program was announced by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment today. The grant’s purpose is to support 17  Juvenile and Adult Offender Reentry Programs across the nation. The funds appear to be aimed at persons leaving correctional settings, although not necessarily focused on reentry drug court as a grantee partner ( neither do they appear to exclude them.)

Further information can be found at: CSAT REENTRY GRANT

Funding Alert: California


An extraordinary development for  California reentry court programs has come to our attention. The legislature has  targeted both stimulus money and and other federal and state funds to reduce reliance on prisons through four innovative programs:

  • 10 million dollars of federal  funds will  be distributed through a Parolee Reentry Accountability Program to support reentry courts.
  • $45 million of Federal funds will be distributed in support of evidence based supervision of felony offenders.
  • An undisclosed amount of funds resulting from savings in reduced felony revocation and recidivism rates will be allocated to probation  departments based on their success in reducing recidivism.
  • Under the California Risk Assessment Pilot Project, recidivism and revocations will be tracked over a three year period

This exemplary state effort will be under the direction of Adminisrative Office of the Courts Director Bill Vickrey and its program coordinator will be Judge Roger Warren (ret.), former President of the Natuional Center for State Courts.

Additional Information will be provided as it becomes available.

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