In a Decemebr 15th interview (see complete article; Inc, Now ),Indiana Chief Justice Randall Shepard endorsed Allen County’s Reentry Court as a model, “not only for the state, but also for courts around the country” (see article on Allen County Reentry Court). According to policy changes recommended by the Council of State Governments Justice Center and the Pew Center, Indiana could save taxpayers more than $1 billion by 2017 by looking to Reentry Court and other corrections reforms. The review, endorsed today by Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, is receiving support in the General Assembly from both sides of the aisle. The review, asked for by all three branches of state government about a year ago, something Chief Justice Shepard referred to as a first, examined Indiana’s public safety, criminal code and sentencing guidelines. Indiana has been a national leader in the development of Reentry Court Systems and state-wide protocols (see article on Indiana’s Rules)